At “Wood and Nature” Foundation, our macro mission is to protect and restore the world’s forests. On a micro level, we assist and empower woodworkers, foresters, and craftworkers in their work and inspire them to embrace a holistic approach. We aim to promote the integration of sustainable development principles within these industries, instilling a deep respect for the environment and encouraging sustainable practices that prioritize the responsible use of wood resources. By fostering innovation, education, and collaboration, we aim to enhance woodcraft culture that ensures a harmonious coexistence between human activities and the natural world.

At “Wood and Nature” Foundation, we are committed to translating our mission into action through a range of engaging and impactful activities. Our programs are designed to empower woodworkers, foresters, craftworkers, and the wider community to embrace sustainable practices and nurture a profound connection with the environment. Here’s a glimpse of what we do:

Educational workshops and seminars

We encourage and foster innovation in the use of wood

Fairtrade and social justice advocacy

Collaborative projects for transformative change

Welcome to “Wood and Nature” Foundation’s educational resources, where knowledge meets inspiration. Our commitment to fostering a deeper understanding of sustainable wood use, environmental conservation, and holistic practices in wood-related industries drives us to provide a wealth of educational resources at your fingertips. Whether you’re a seasoned professional, an aspiring woodworker, or simply curious about our mission, our carefully curated resources offer insights, guidance, and the tools you need to embark on a journey of learning and discovery. Please remember that “Wood and Nature” Foundation has no affiliation with the mentioned websites or the authors responsible for the educational content.

We need people with cause and skills for completing our purpose and mission. Become involved.

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    Why wood?

    Wood is one of the oldest raw materials known to humankind. It has been called the material of the future, and that is no accident. Wood stands out as the ultimate sustainable resource on our planet, uniquely combining raw and eco-friendliness.